Would you like to join us?
We are very friendly and it’s a good way to make friends and get involved with a great centre. Like so many organisations we need more people to help plan activities such as classes and run The Fold. Without Receptionists we can’t sell tickets, serve refreshments or even answer the phone. We’d be delighted to hear from you and give you details of how you can help.
The Billericay Arts Association (BAA) was set up in 1979 as a registered charity to run The Fold as a community arts centre.
It is run and staffed by unpaid volunteer members; only class tutors are paid on a salaried basis.
It is financed by its own activities and occupies The Fold rent-free from Basildon District Council. The bulk of its funds come from class fees and hiring out rooms; other income comes from BAA events, membership subscriptions, donations, grants and the sale of refreshments.
We are very friendly and it’s a good way to make friends and get involved with a great centre. Like so many organisations we need more people to help plan activities such as classes and run The Fold. Without Receptionists we can’t sell tickets, serve refreshments or even answer the phone. We’d be delighted to hear from you and give you details of how you can help.
The Billericay Arts Association (BAA) was set up in 1979 as a registered charity to run The Fold as a community arts centre.
It is run and staffed by unpaid volunteer members; only class tutors are paid on a salaried basis.
It is financed by its own activities and occupies The Fold rent-free from Basildon District Council. The bulk of its funds come from class fees and hiring out rooms; other income comes from BAA events, membership subscriptions, donations, grants and the sale of refreshments.
Membership Fees
A Individual £15.00
B Family £30.00 1 or 2 adults and any number of children under 18
C Concessions £10.00 Senior Citizen/Unemployed/NUS card holder
Associate Members
D Juniors £10.00 Under 18
E Societies <10 £17.00
E Societies 10-20 £28.00
E Societies 21-50 £41.00
E Societies >50 £55.00
For a membership form please telephone 01277 659286
Membership runs to 31st August.
All members are eligible to vote at any General Meeting (Associate members may not vote. A society representative must be a member of the BAA to have a voting right). Under the terms of the constitution each member could be liable for £1.00 should the Billericay Arts Association cease to function with outstanding debts.
Billericay Arts Association is a registered charity no. 1003508
A Individual £15.00
B Family £30.00 1 or 2 adults and any number of children under 18
C Concessions £10.00 Senior Citizen/Unemployed/NUS card holder
Associate Members
D Juniors £10.00 Under 18
E Societies <10 £17.00
E Societies 10-20 £28.00
E Societies 21-50 £41.00
E Societies >50 £55.00
For a membership form please telephone 01277 659286
Membership runs to 31st August.
All members are eligible to vote at any General Meeting (Associate members may not vote. A society representative must be a member of the BAA to have a voting right). Under the terms of the constitution each member could be liable for £1.00 should the Billericay Arts Association cease to function with outstanding debts.
Billericay Arts Association is a registered charity no. 1003508